Legal Tips
Dec 25
In today’s market conditions, product certification is an essential step for achieving success on the international stage. However, with the increasing number of certification bodies operating in the gray zone, the question of the risks associated...
Mar 17
WWBridge informs of several changes in certification that have been introduced in March, 2022.
Mar 03
It’s always good to have a partner who you could rely on while dealing with a certain aspect of the exportation process. Having a 10+ years’ experience WorldWideBridge team has recommended itself as a trust worthy and qualified certification partner. But isn’t it even better to know that your good old partner can also support you in other spheres related to export and market access?
Feb 02
Beıng responsible for huge projects implying delivery of different types of equipment manufactured by numerous companies is apparently not of the easiest task one can imagine.
Jan 31
Factory inspection is one of the mandatory requirements to get EAC Certificate of Conformity for the products that are to be supplied to the Customs Union countries: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.
Jan 28
The State Registration Certificate (SRC) is necessary for companies manufacturing and selling goods, which require sanitary and epidemiological conclusions, and carrying out their activities in the territory of the Customs Union (CU) member states – Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Armenia and the Republic of Belarus.
Dec 27
Clients often ask WWBridge to explain the difference between TR СU and TR EAEU. What is the difference between a TR СU Certificate of Conformity and a GOST R Certificate? In this article, we will explain the distinguishing features of TR СU, TR EAEU and GOST R in details.
Dec 06
Food safety certification is a procedure approved by law in the form of mandatory declaration by authorised accredited bodies, in accordance with the provisions of the Customs Union (Eurasian Economic Union) current technical regulations.
Nov 11
On the territory of the Customs Union and the Eurasian Economic Union (includes Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan), 90% of the goods must pass product certification according to the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union (TR CU).
Jun 03
Safety Case or Justification Safety we usually called JoS in shorted form. This document required to be provided by several technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) (former Customs union – CU) to be provided in order to receive a positive EAC certification decision and so to get the opportunity to export machinery and equipment to EAEU countries such as Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. Here we will look over the main features of this documents and its meaning.
May 21
Almost any certification process suppose the samples test. The EAC certification is not an exception. We need to make sure of the product quality, so samples import for tests is a common procedure for the WorldWideBridge team. Every day we face up with a lot of questions from our clients. Let’s make some points clear.
May 18
EAC approval or so called TR CU approval is the key document required when you export different types of products to Eurasian Commission countries.
May 17
It’s not a surprise that many things in this world are subject to change. Nor is it a surprise as well that the EAC certification is subject to constant changes and updates. There are always countless new rules and legislative acts that are applied all the time. They are supposed to make the whole process of certification straightforward but yet easy to control by the Federal Government bodies. A reasonable question comes up here: do they really simplify things when it comes to certificates and declarations? That’s quite a contradictory question, and we’re not going to discuss it here.
Apr 16
To obtain the TR CU (EAC) Certificate and Declaration a technical documentation kit is required. It includes a number of documents necessary for the safe and correct use of a particular product - instructions, operating manuals etc.
Mar 30
In Russia, a law came into force, according to which changes were made at the direction of GTIN and GLN when registering Declarations of Conformity.
Mar 12
New versions of Energy efficiency standards became effective from November 1, 2020.
Mar 10
The Certificate of Conformity with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union (TR CU Certificates (CoC) hereinafter referred to as the EAC Certificate) is a document that guarantees that the quality and safety of the products offered by the requirements specified in the relevant Technical Regulations of the Customs Union .
Jan 22
Radio Frequency Conclusion (RFC) is an approval required for radio devices operating at the frequency ranges that should be mandatory approved and licensed in the Russian Federation. The RFC is controlled and regulated by the Radio Frequency Center (RFC). This authority controls issuing Radio Frequency Conclusion (RFC).
Jan 21
By this article we’d like to share with you our experience of issuance approval documentation (FAC approval) for another useful electronic devise - GPS Trackers.
Jan 20
2021 came with significant changes to the way of how register the Declarations of Conformity (DoC) and Certificates of Conformity (CoC) to the Technical Regulations of the Customs union (TR CU) currently Eurasian Economic union (EAEU). These changes can significantly influence the business activity in Russia because most of the importers are not ready to be deeply involved in the registration process. Let’s see the main news.
Jan 15
Why do you need the Justification of Safety, what is it, and what points should be taken into account when preparing this document?
Nov 20
Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree "On improving public administration in the field of digital development, communications, and mass communications."
Nov 20
Engines on! Tractors and getting an EAC certificate for them in accordance with the TR CU 031/2012 “On safety of agricultural and forestry tractors and their trailers”: highlights and main things manufacturers need to know about this approval document.
Oct 22
Light industry products that are subject to certification according to TR CU 007 «On safety of products intended for children and teenagers» and TR CU 017 «On safety of light industry products» require a mandatory remote factory inspection that nowadays has become a legal procedure since all the borders are closed due to COVID-19.
Oct 20
The technical passport is considered as one of the most essential documents for any equipment. Here’s why: it indicates the basic information about the equipment. It’s always presented by the manufacturer regardless of the country of the manufacturer. And it must be in the Russian language or bilingual (Russian/English).
Aug 07
Each country has its own standards for certification of measuring equipment that is not covered by EAC and Uzbekistan is not an exemption. We have received an order for getting metrological certificate in Uzbekistan from an English company and we are proud to inform that after several months of hard work the project will be finalized soon. We would like to share our experience and describe the process of getting metrological certificate in Uzbekistan.
May 15
The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, with the participation of the Federal Service for Accreditation, have expanded recommendations on temporary measures for the issue of inspection control, sampling and other scheduled work, taking into account the spread of COVID-19.
Apr 24
It's not always easy to issue an EAC certificate for huge machines especially when it's impossible to carry out the site audit or delivering samples to the accredited laboratory in EAEU. Here's one simple but effective way to get around this problem. Limited batches only.
Apr 23
To enter the Ukraine market, a telecommunication product requires having a series of documents confirming the quality characteristics.In this article, we will describe main requirements and terms for Ukraine certification concerning the recognition of СE reports.
Apr 22
As was announced before the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union “Requirements to the fire safety and firefighting means” (TR EAEU 043/2017) come into force from the 1st of January 2020. So, let’s go through main points of this regulation.TR EAEU 043/2017 partly replaces the Russian Law #123 «About fire safety requirements». Some products should be approved according to new regulation. The conformity documents will be valid in all Customs union countries - Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan.
Apr 21
In order to apply for EAC certification, a manufacturer must have an authorized representative in the territory of the Customs Union. The main document which empowers an applicant to represent a manufacturer in the territory of the CU is called an Applicant Contract. Please review the main point and aims of the applicant contract and the advantages of managing certification by yourself.
Apr 20
EAC mark is a unified mark for all products that are to be exported to the Customs union countries such as Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan. It should be applied to all products that got approval according to the Technical Regulations of the Customs union (Eurasian Economic Union now) such as food, clothes, toys, machinery, spare parts, cosmetics, etc. In this article, we want to tell you what this sign means, its description, application procedure, and application rules.
Apr 19
Beauty industry is one of the fields that are in demand among people all over the world. Everyone wants to look young, healthy and well-groomed. Cosmetic products are safeguarding our beauty and health and should be of a high quality for sure. Here we will provide you information on cosmetics certification.
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