An overview of main requirements,reference to the HS Code that need to obtain SRC.
All goods with the reference to the HS Code (Customs code) that need to obtain SRC are described in “The List of goods subjected to sanitary and epidemiological supervision (control) at the customs border and customs territory of the CU” (The Sanitary approval List)
"On safety of the products for kids and teenagers" (TR CU 007/2011)
and "On safety of perfumes and toiletries" (TR CU 009/2011).
The manufacturer can be an Applicant for certification that means that only his company name will be mentioned on the SRC. This rule is true for all mentioned products except ones that were referenced on by TR CU 007/2011 and TR CU 009/2011 – cosmetic and clothes. So the Local representative (applicant) in case of these products can be only the resent of the CU.
Usually, it takes from 4 to 6 weeks to obtain this type of approval documents. For some products, namely disinfectants, the process lasts 6-8 months, food supplements can be registered in 5-6 months.
You can apply for such type of certification only through detailed inquiry because all product information influences the final offer – the number of applied types (models), the composition, the number of manufacturer subsidiaries and even a colour can influence the scope of testing and so the number of test reports required. You can place an inquiry through [email protected] to get the initial consultation.
To initiate the certification process all product documentation needs to be in the Russian Language (Technical Data Sheet, Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) etc.). Also, the tests of the samples need to be conducted that is accompanied by samples shipment and Customs clearance. Test reports are made in form of so-called Expert Conclusion.
For those products that don't fall under sanitary and epidemiological control, the voluntary expert conclusion can be issued. This document is very effective in the case when your Russian customers still ask for Hygienic Compliance document. It takes 3 weeks to issue such a document.
Starting July 20, 2019, the validity period will be indicated in the SGR. The Certificate of State Registration will be issued for a period of 5 years, unless otherwise stipulated in the regulations themselves.