материалы с тегом: “Tr Cu”
Mar 17
WWBridge informs of several changes in certification that have been introduced in March, 2022.
Dec 27
Clients often ask WWBridge to explain the difference between TR СU and TR EAEU. What is the difference between a TR СU Certificate of Conformity and a GOST R Certificate? In this article, we will explain the distinguishing features of TR СU, TR EAEU and GOST R in details.
Nov 11
On the territory of the Customs Union and the Eurasian Economic Union (includes Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan), 90% of the goods must pass product certification according to the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union (TR CU).
Nov 03
Process equipment for food, meat and dairy and fish products circulated in the territory of the Eurasian Customs Union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan) should undergo a conformity assessment in the form of declaration of conformity TR CU 010/2011 Safety of Machinery and Equipment. It is impossible to conduct any trade and imports and exports, as well as to make such products and use them in any way in production on legal grounds without this document.
Oct 22
Technical Regulation of the Customs Union "On safety of equipment operating under excessive pressure" (TR CU 032/2013) applies to a large number of products. This paper will discuss the topic of proving the conformity of vessels.
Oct 21
A declaration of conformity with TR CU is an official document that confirms the conformity of a product's safety and quality with the requirements established by law within the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).
Oct 14
One of the most important and mandatory conditions for the sale of lighting fixtures and lighting equipment in the markets of the EAEU (Eurasian Economic Union) is the availability of a document (Declaration of Conformity or Certificate of Conformity to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union) confirming the safety and quality of the goods sold.
Jun 04
It’s common knowledge that the manufacturer has to provide a relevant proof that their products are safe to use by the customers.
Jun 04
On May 13, 2021, WWBridge held a webinar "Russian Cosmetics System and Licensing Procedure" for the Korean Cosmetics Association. The webinar was attended by 65 representatives from different Korean cosmetics companies.
May 21
Almost any certification process suppose the samples test. The EAC certification is not an exception. We need to make sure of the product quality, so samples import for tests is a common procedure for the WorldWideBridge team. Every day we face up with a lot of questions from our clients. Let’s make some points clear.
May 20
How to understand that TR CU 025 "On the safety of furniture products" is required and how to make the right document for furniture before supply to Russia.
May 18
EAC approval or so called TR CU approval is the key document required when you export different types of products to Eurasian Commission countries.
May 17
It’s not a surprise that many things in this world are subject to change. Nor is it a surprise as well that the EAC certification is subject to constant changes and updates. There are always countless new rules and legislative acts that are applied all the time. They are supposed to make the whole process of certification straightforward but yet easy to control by the Federal Government bodies. A reasonable question comes up here: do they really simplify things when it comes to certificates and declarations? That’s quite a contradictory question, and we’re not going to discuss it here.
Apr 16
To obtain the TR CU (EAC) Certificate and Declaration a technical documentation kit is required. It includes a number of documents necessary for the safe and correct use of a particular product - instructions, operating manuals etc.
Apr 15
Pumping equipment is one of the most common types of equipment used in all industries. Certification of pumps is a mandatory procedure, the purpose of which is to confirm the compliance of the product with the established safety standards.
Mar 30
In Russia, a law came into force, according to which changes were made at the direction of GTIN and GLN when registering Declarations of Conformity.
Mar 10
The Certificate of Conformity with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union (TR CU Certificates (CoC) hereinafter referred to as the EAC Certificate) is a document that guarantees that the quality and safety of the products offered by the requirements specified in the relevant Technical Regulations of the Customs Union .
Mar 01
Foreign products of the light industry supplied to the territory of the Custom Union should be certified to prove the quality and compliance of the products with the standards of the CU for the consumer. EAC certification should be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the CU.
Jan 20
2021 came with significant changes to the way of how register the Declarations of Conformity (DoC) and Certificates of Conformity (CoC) to the Technical Regulations of the Customs union (TR CU) currently Eurasian Economic union (EAEU). These changes can significantly influence the business activity in Russia because most of the importers are not ready to be deeply involved in the registration process. Let’s see the main news.
Oct 20
The technical passport is considered as one of the most essential documents for any equipment. Here’s why: it indicates the basic information about the equipment. It’s always presented by the manufacturer regardless of the country of the manufacturer. And it must be in the Russian language or bilingual (Russian/English).
Oct 31
Our experience in factory inspections and testing implied by EAC.
Aug 19
Good jorney and great talk!
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