

We can provide you with Oman Type Approvals and Certifications.



Certification services in Oman:

  • DGSM Oman
  • Omani/GCC standards
  • Telecom Type Approval

DGSM - Directorate General for Specifications and Measurements 

The Directorate General of Specifications and Measurements (DGSM) at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MOCI) is responsible for standardization, metrology, testing, quality control and quality assurance, conformity assessment and certification, and accreditation activities. All products imported into Oman are to be checked for quality and standards compliance before reaching the market.

Omani/GCC standards

Under Oman’s product certification scheme manufacturers should apply G-mark or the Omani quality certification mark on their products.
As part of the GCC Customs Union, Oman is working toward unifying its standards and conformity assessment systems with those of the GCC through the Gulf Standards Organization (GSO). Oman generally enforces GSO standards. Most Omani standards are either GSO standards or those derived from another international standards organization. If no GCC standards are applicable, common international standards will be accepted.

Gulf Conformity Mark, commonly known as G-Mark, is a specific marking of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf which is affixed on the product or/and its package to indicate product compliance to the requirements set out in the applicable Gulf Technical Regulations.

Omani quality certification mark is given by DGSM after inspection and testing to verify that the product complies with applicable Oman approved standards.

Telecom Type Approval

Telecom Type Approval is a requirement for Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (RTTE) to comply with specific technical specifications and the equipment must be registered with the TRA before it can be supplied to Oman. Registration of equipment with the TRA Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) must be supported by test reports to declare its conformity and by other technical documentation. An application form must be submitted to the TRA through online e-portal. Registered and approved equipment must be marked, or have a mark on its packaging (TRA Label), along with dealer information to identify that it has been Type Approved and that it may be used in Oman.

Required documents for Telecom Type Approvaltype approval

  1. Copy of Manufacturer Declaration of Conformity
  2. Test reports (RF, EMC and Safety) from a test lab recognized by the TRA

WWBridge provide services for manufacturers with expert support and guidance on the marking requirements and procedures. We are up-to-date with the latest guidance and standards and we can guide you through the entire process in a few steps.

How to get Oman approval documents for your business?

• Call WWBridge or leave your request on our site to have a free consultation
• We help you choose the right type of certification
• You send all necessary documents for the certificate
• We sign a Contract
• We analyze the documents and prepare drafts
• You receive the certificate
• We close the project

Looking for more information to get Oman approval documents? Feel free to contact us through e-mail: order@wwbridge.org, or call +7 (495) 787-87-70.

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