User manuals for obtaining TR CU (EAC) certificate or declaration
The manual for the operation of equipment, instruments, machines and other things is a mandatory accompanying document that is required for structurally or technically complex, as well as potentially hazardous products. Without the presence of an operating manual for the specified products, the sale of these goods to the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union is not allowed.
In this article, we'll answer some of the most frequently asked questions about manuals for electronic means and electrical devices:
- what the operating manual should contain;
- what language should the document be in;
- in what form it can be issued - electronic or printed;
- whether the manufacturer should be specified or not;
Certification for low-voltage equipment
The most common requests for manuals are received in relation to TR CU 004 "ON SAFETY OF LOW-VOLTAGE EQUIPMENT" (TR CU 004/2011) and TR CU 020 "ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY OF TECHNICAL MEANS" (TR CU 020/2011). These TR CU regulate the requirements for almost all electronic devices, household appliances that operate from the network and have a voltage of up to 50 Volts.
How for draw up a manual for TR CU 004
Operational documents for low-voltage equipment must contain:
- the name and (or) designation of low-voltage equipment (type, brand, model),
- its main parameters and characteristics affecting safety,
- the name and (or) trademark of the manufacturer,
- the name of the country,
- information on the purpose of low-voltage equipment;
- characteristics and parameters;
- rules and conditions for safe operation (use);
- rules and conditions for installation, storage, transportation sale and disposal;
- information on the measures to be taken when a malfunction of this equipment is detected;
- name and location of the manufacturer (person/company authorized by the manufacturer), importer, contact information;
- month and year of manufacture of low-voltage equipment and (or) information on the place of application and method of determining the year of manufacture.
Operational documents are executed in Russian and in the national language (s) of the member countries of the Customs Union, subject to the relevant requirements in the legislation (s) of the member country (s) of the Customs Union.
Printed or digital
Operational documents are to be drawn up on paper. They may be accompanied by a set of operational documents on electronic media. Operational documents included in the set of low-voltage equipment for non-household purposes can be executed only on electronic media.
How to draw up a manual for TR CU 020
Operational documents for a technical device must contain:
- the name and (or) designation of the technical device (type, brand, model - if any),
- its main parameters and characteristics,
- the name and (or) trademark of the manufacturer,
- the name of the country where the technical device was manufactured
- information on the application of the technical means;
- rules and conditions for the installation of a technical device, its connection to the electrical network and other technical means, device launch/switch on, regulation and putting into service, if the fulfillment of these rules and conditions is necessary to ensure the compliance of the technical device with the requirements of this technical regulation of the Customs Union;
- information about restrictions on the use of a technical device, taking into account its application in residential, commercial and industrial areas;
- rules and conditions for safe operation (use);
- rules and conditions, storage, transportation, sale and disposal;
- information on the measures to be taken when a malfunction of a technical device is detected;
- name and location of the manufacturer (person/company authorized by the manufacturer), importer, contact information;
- month and year of manufacture of the technical device and (or) information about the place of application and the method of determining the year of manufacture.
Operational documents are executed in Russian and in the national language (s) of the member countries of the Customs Union, subject to the relevant requirements in the legislation (s) of the member country (s) of the Customs Union.
Printed or digital
Operational documents are to be drawn up on paper. They may be accompanied by a set of operational documents on electronic media. Operational documents included in the set of technical means for non-household purposes can be executed only on electronic media.
WWBridge experts are aware of the latest know-how on the Eurasian Standards and ready to answer all additional questions concerning TR CU 004 LVD and TR CU 020 EMC. Please contact WWBridge via [email protected]. We will be happy to help!