

Changes in legislation: GTIN and GLN when confirming the declaration of conformity

Changes in legislation: GTIN and GLN when confirming the declaration of conformity

Posted on Mar 30 Legal Tips Legal Tips, EAC, and TR CU


On January 1, amendments to the Russian legislation on the procedure for registering Declarations of Conformity of products to the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Russian Federation and Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union – TR CU), maintaining a unified register of registered Declarations of Conformity, and providing information contained in the specified register came into force.

Main changes in the registration of declarations of conformity:

  • if the conformity of products manufactured outside the territory of the Russian Federation and the members of the Eurasian Economic Union is declared, the application for registration of the declaration of conformity specifies the UNP/GLN in relation to the place of manufacture of the products,
  • in the application for registration of the Declaration of Conformity shall specify the international GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) code that allows to identify the object of declaration.

GLN (Global Location Number) 

Global Location Number or Global Identification Number. This is a unique international code used in electronic data exchange and e-commerce systems. The number consists of 13 digits. It starts with a two-or three-digit national prefix (in Russia – from 460 to 469), and ends with a control number.

GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) 

The global item number — the bar code of the product. The identification number of the GS1 standard in the bar code for goods allows to accurately determine which product item a certain unit of goods belongs to.

Special notes:

  • The global manufacturer location number GLN for imported products can only be omitted until July 1, 2021. For Eurasian products, however, it can still be omitted altogether.
  • The functionality of a specialized service for automated electronic registration of declarations of conformity now already provides for the possibility of entering GLN and GTIN codes.
  • If the applicant does not have the specified information, the service allows registering declarations of conformity without it.

WWBRIDGE specialists are always ready to help you to advice on all the nuances of registration of Declarations of Conformity. Feel free to contact us by email - [email protected]

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