Choose certification according to your product type.
Gulf Conformity mark, also known as G-mark is a certification mark used to indicate products that conform to all technical regulations of the Gulf Cooperation Council. It means that the G-marked products meet all requirements of the corresponding technical regulations and have passed all conformity assessment procedures. The mark was introduced in 2009.
Obtain certificatesANATEL certification of radio products for the Brazilian market is based on an approval from the local authority.
Obtain certificatesObtaining ANVISA certification is essential for international companies looking to export Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Food and Beverages, Cosmetics and Personal Care Products, and Sanitizing Agents to Brazil.
Obtain certificatesIndustrial equipment and machinery that is going to be exported to Brazil has to be in compliance with technical safety regulations of Brazil - Norme Regulamentadore (NR).
Obtain certificatesINMETRO is responsible for certification of products, services, licensing, and testing labs, among other duties.
Obtain certificatesIEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) develops and publishes International Standards for all Electrical, Electronic and Related Technologies (commonly known as "electrical engineering").
Obtain certificatesWWBridge helps to issue CCC certification in China. CCC (mandatory certification/declaration).
Obtain certificatesWWBridge obtains SRRC approvals for wireless devices and Network Access Licenses (NAL) for telecom connectivity requirements.
Obtain certificatesThe Emirates Quality mark certification program prescribes requirements for product quality and safety of various consumer products.
Obtain certificatesThe SASO certificate shows that these products meet the national standards of Saudi Arabia, which are issued and approved by the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (Saudi Organization of Standards, Metrology and Quality)
Obtain certificatesA Halal certified product means that the product is permitted or acceptable in accordance with Islamic law.
Obtain certificatesWWBridge helps to issue The Certificate ECAS - Emirates Conformity Assessment Scheme (ECAS). The ECAS certificate is proof that the product has been approved by the UAE Federal Government through MOIAT (Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology)
Obtain certificatesUL certification lends credibility to a product and its safety of use by establishing that it is deemed effective and safe for use by the public by testing products.
Obtain certificatesThe CE marking indicates that the product is not harmful to the health of its consumers, as well as harmless to the environment. Products that do not comply with the directives and harmonized standards of the European Union, which require the application of the CE Mark, are not allowed on the internal market of the EU.The CE certificate is a document confirming the conformity of a product to the requirements of the European Union. In addition, each country of the association may introduce its own norms and standards, which must also be implemented if the products are to be sold in this territory.
Obtain certificatesGeneral information on the Certification System of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) in accordance with the requirements of standards applicable to equipment used in explosive atmospheres (IECEx System)
Obtain certificatesUK Conformity Assessment (UKCA) marking applies to products, production tools and equipment which is supplied or sold in Great Britain. This conformity marking replaces the European Union’s CE marking as the necessary certification for products and machinery being sold in Great Britain, and covers many of the same goods.
Obtain certificatesCurrently, in most developed countries, energy efficiency requirements and labeling of energy efficiency of household appliances are mandatory. The energy efficiency class is determined by the manufacturer or supplier of the product based on national standards, directives or technical regulations.
Obtain certificatesIn Russia, all products that have access to the PTN public communications network must be certified and registered with the Ministry of Digital Development
Obtain certificatesRadio-Frequency Conclusion (RFC Conclusion) is a special document that is to be emitted by the State Radio-Frequency Center (SRFC) and gives the opportunity to foreign manufacturers to export radio-frequency means to the territory of the Russian Federation.
Obtain certificatesAll products that are capable of encryption need to be approved in the Federal Security Service (FSS or sometimes called FSB) in order to be successfully imported to the Customs union. A special document that confirms the product which is transfer data through crypto algorithms can be imported is called FSS Notification (or FSB Notification).
Obtain certificatesFire Safety Certificate is a document attesting the conformity of products to The Russian Law which concerns fire safety. The scope of certification and main requirements to the process are stated by the Federal Law #123 “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety” dated June 22, 2008.
Obtain certificatesFor the distribution of measuring devices in the Russian Federation, a Pattern Approval Certificate (Metrological Certificate) is mandatory. This document certifies that the measuring device complies with the requirements of Russian Federation standards and is registered in the State Register. Such a certificate is valid for 5 years but also can be issued for a certain batch.
Obtain certificatesState registration certificate (SRC also frequently referred to as a Hygienic Certificate) is a document used in the certification system of the Customs Union (so can be used in all 5 countries - Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kirgizia) which confirms compliance of the goods with the sanitary and hygienic requirements of CU.
Obtain certificatesAccording to Federal Law of the Russian Federation №22 “On amendments to the Federal Law “On industrial safety of production site” and other statutory requirements of the Russian Federation, the RosTechNadzor (RTN) discontinued to issue Application Permits. This document is to be replaced by an Industrial Safety Expert Conclusion.
Obtain certificatesAll Medical devices need to obtain Medical Registration Certificate (MRC) to enter the Russian Federation market. This document has an unlimited validity period, so the manufacturer should pass the procedure only once. Russian MRC is not harmonized with the medical registration standards in other countries, so it is valid only in the country of issue.
Obtain certificatesGOST is an abbreviation for GOvernment STandard. Each country of the CIS has a GOST standard of it’s own. The GOST-R – stands for GOST-Russia, BELGOST – Belarus Gost, GOST-K – Kazakhstan/Kyrgyzstan, GOST-U – Uzbekistan and etc.
Obtain certificatesIn each country of the Eurasian Economic Union, there is a special governmental authority that issues such a License. In Russia, this structure is the Ministry of Industry and Trade (in other words MINPROMTORG).
Obtain certificates