The following documents may be required for certification of personal computers in Russia:
- Certificate TR CU 004/2011 "On safety of low-voltage equipment" and TR CU 020/2011 "Electromagnetic compatibility of technical devices";
- Declaration of Conformity to TR EAEU 037/2016 "On Restriction of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment";
- Declaration of Conformity to communications application rules (FAC DoC or Telecom DoC) or FAC Certificate of Conformity (FAC CoC);
- FSS notification
Computer equipment subject to certification
It's obligatory to obtain a certificate of compliance with TR CU 004/2011 and TR CU 020/2011 on personal electronic computers, including personal computers.
This equipment includes
- personal computers (system blocks);
- laptops; tablets; portable computers;
- monitors; servers;
- digital electronic computational complexes;
- computer devices and power supply units, including non-stationary devices, uninterruptible power supplies;
- external storage devices in discrete housings, magnetic or optical readers, data transferring devices to coded data carriers and devices for processing such data; analog and hybrid machines (analog-to-digital);
- peripheral devices of computing systems, input-output devices;
- intersystem communication devices of computing machines;
- service and auxiliary devices for computers, etc.
Technical regulations
Only electrical equipment with rated voltages from 50 to 1000 V (inclusive) AC and from 75 to 1500 V (inclusive) DC are subject to regulation TR CU 004/2011. Equipment powered by self-contained power sources may not be subject to mandatory certification or declaration under TR CU 004/2011.
Computer hardware certification schemes and timelines
1c certification scheme: a series of computer devices are being produced. The process of obtaining certification involves tests and analysis of the production by the experts. The certificate is issued subject to the positive results of all checks.
The certificate under the 1c scheme is valid for one to five years. The certification body determines the frequency of inspection control.
3c certification scheme: one-time type – a single batch of computers or computing devices. Only tests are carried out as a compliance check. There is no production control.
4c certification scheme is very similar to the 3c scheme: the certificate is issued based on test results. In this case, such scheme is used for the certification of a piece of equipment. The certificate is valid indefinitely.
TR EAEU 037/2016
A manufacturer can obtain the approval document on TR EAEU 037/2016 using 2 schemes.
Scheme 1D – based on the applicant's proves (factory test reports can be provided, if the requirements of GOST standards are met)
3D scheme – with local testing in Russia
The FSS Notification
The FSS Notification is required to notify the authorized regulatory authority (Federal Security Service) about the encryption software or hardware features and cryptographic algorithms used by the product. The FSS notification should have the form of a declaration, which describes the functions of the products and declares their cryptographic specifications in a specific statutory form. The registered notifications of the Federal Security Service of Russia along with the FSS opinion on import are permits for import or export of data encrypted products.
It is required to issue the Declaration of Conformity to communications application rules (FAC DoC) for the sale and use of such goods. This document is not required by the customs for import into Russian Federation, however, the end customer, such as a chain store, may require this document.
In addition, regulation TR EAEU 048/2019 "On requirements for energy efficiency of power-consuming devices" may come into force from September 2022. Technical regulation applies to power-consuming devices put into circulation on the territory of the Customs Union. Personal computers which are fall into the scope of this regulation may also require conformity assessment and a Certificate or Declaration of Conformity.
How to obtain Personal Computer Certification in Russia
The certification process for personal computers depends on the type of product. It is very important to understand the basic specifications of the products submitted for certification. The WWBridge team is always ready to provide its clients with the most accurate proposal and to evaluate the request in the short term.
Just send us the following information via [email protected]:
- Type of product and relevant model range;
- Brief technical description;
- FEACN CU code for each relevant product;
- Scope of application.
WWBridge will be happy to help you obtain any type of personal computer permits for certification. For more information, you can apply to [email protected].