

Unlocking Brazil's Industrial Sector: Steps to Certify Your Explosion-Proof Devices

Unlocking Brazil's Industrial Sector: Steps to Certify Your Explosion-Proof Devices

Posted on Aug 15 GMA EX-proof and Brazil

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Why Brazil?

Brazil, as one of the largest economies in Latin America, has been rapidly industrializing, with numerous sectors, including oil, gas, and mining, relying heavily on explosion-protected equipment. Meeting Brazilian standards ensures not only access to this vast market but also compliance with internationally recognized safety standards.

Safety Standard in Explosion- Proof Zones: INMETRO Certification

Portaria are the regulatory documents within Brazilian legislation. INMETRO (Brazilian National Institute of Metrology, Quality, and Technology) is the government department responsible for standardization and the authorization of certification bodies. This certification on the Brazilian market is often referred to as "INMETRO certification."

Certification Product Categories

  • Electrical devices or components intended for explosion-protected zones.
  • Manufacturing facilities for the above-mentioned products.
  • Repair facilities for the aforementioned products (voluntary certification).

Documents Required for Certification

  1. Technical documentation and product schematics.
  2. Proof of prior international certifications, if available.
  3. Test reports, preferably from ILAC accredited institutions.
  4. Business licenses and manufacturing facility details.
  5. Proof of adherence to Brazilian national requirements.

Steps to Obtain Certification

  • Preliminary application submission.
  • Product testing and evaluation as per INMETRO and IEC standards.
  • Detailed documentation review.
  • Approval from an accredited INMETRO certification body.
  • Continuous surveillance for maintaining certification status.

Related Standards

Presumption of conformity can be based on IECEx certification. For certification to EN (ATEX) standards or older IEC editions, a gap assessment is required.

How Long Does the Certification Process Take?

The certification process's duration can vary, but on average, it takes between 3 to 6 months. Factors affecting the duration include the complexity of the equipment, the adequacy of the submitted documents, and the response time of the certification body.

Common Mistakes and Their Prevention in Certification

Incomplete or inaccurate documentation: Always ensure that all submitted documentation is thorough and accurate.
Underestimating Brazilian regulatory requirements: Familiarize yourself with both international IEC and specific Brazilian standards.
Choosing non-accredited testing institutions: Opt for ILAC accredited test facilities for better acceptance of results.

Our Offerings: Why Choose WorldWideBridge

  • Experience with Inmetro: We understand all the nuances of the process and can ensure successful certification.
  • Accredited Partners: We work with Inmetro-accredited laboratories to ensure quality and swift testing.
  • Time and Resource Savings: Our team manages the entire process from start to finish.

Don't risk access to the Brazilian market. With WorldWideBridge and Inmetro certification, your business is safe.

Our team of INMETRO experts is dedicated to helping you navigate the certification process efficiently. To kickstart your certification journey, contact us at [email protected] or call +971 52 337 4403. Ensure your products are compliant and seize the Brazilian market's vast opportunities. Your business success in Brazil begins with the right certification, and WorldWideBridge is here to guide you every step of the way.

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