

Russia’s strive for independence, politically and economically

Russia’s strive for independence, politically and economically

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Looking at the state debt of this or that country, one can easily say how economically developed is that country. Let’s discuss this case in Russia.
Russia’s strive for independence, both politically and economically, seems to have pushed the country to the new level. In response to Western sanctions and the fall of oil prices, authorities set on a course to accumulate reserves to ensure financial stability. Due to a good strategy and money-management, Russia registered good results. As RBC Daily says, as a result of the strict debt discipline, the country’s net public debt has now fallen below zero.
What does that mean? It means that official statistics show that the Kremlin can now easily pay off all its debts - if it suddenly needed to. Comparing the statistics with the huge countries’, such as the US or China, Russian economy looks better than the other countries’ economic situation.
According to the Russian expert, Russia’s reserves have exceeded $500 billion for the first time this year, which means that the economy can ensure the stability of its national currency in case of new potential risks of sanctions in the future.
This economic development and stability will have a huge impact on the Russian Market. From one side Russia will have an opportunity for more investments in its own businesses and for the development of different spheres. And from the other side, many foreign investors and businessmen will not be afraid to start a new business in Russian Market and cooperate with Russians. Stability and continuous economic development of the country will arise more confidence and trust in foreign manufacturers, and Russia will become more perspective area for establishing business or for broadening already the existing one.

sources: Russia Beyound 

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