

Case study. How to get FAC Certificate of conformity for a system unit

Case study. How to get FAC Certificate of conformity for a system unit

Posted on Jan 25 Radio & Telecom Telecom and FAC approval

111case study 1024x706 min

In this case we would like to study the process of issuing FAC Certificate of conformity (FAC CoC) for a system unit (server) requested by one of our clients.

Short product description: System unit is a computing machine (hereinafter referred to as the Product) is designed to receive, process and store information presented in digital form. The product operates from an alternating single-phase current with a voltage of 220 ± 10 V and a frequency of 50 ± 1 Hz.

Challenging part: Initially the product was subject to FAC Declaration of Conformity, but the client requested a Certificate of Conformity due to some additional characteristics that went alongside with the server. It appeared that servers have software for switching, billing, provision of communication services, etc., that’s why we needed to modify the name of the product in order to make it comply with the list of devices that fall under FAC CoC. 

Required documents for FAC Certificate of conformity:

Telecom approval

Please note: In case of choosing WWBridge LLC as an applicant 2 last documents from the list above are not required.

Important note: To issue a FAC Certificate of conformity (FAC CoC) you need to send samples for testing. This is not required for FAC DoC only for Telecom certificate. 

Short process overview:

Once we received all the docs from the list mentioned above and a sample as well, we prepared drafts (layouts) which depicted basic information that would be presented in the original Telecom certificate, such as product and manufacturer’s name, models, technical description, regulations, leadtime etc.

Drafts had been sent to the client for confirmation. Following that, we elaborated test reports based on testing of the sample sent to the Russian laboratory.

And finally with this package of documents we applied to the Federal Agency of Communication (Rossvyaz) for the registration of the FAC CoC.

General leadtime is 3-4 months. However, it was an urgent order for the client so he used one of our priority services for additional cost. We managed to issue the certificate within 1 month after we received required documents and the sample.

What devices need certification?

A list of all devices that fall under DoC and CoC which you can find here

In case of any questions and requests for Telecom approval and EAC Certification in general please feel free to contact us through e-mail: [email protected].

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