UAE - ESMA, Bahrain-BSMD, Saudi Arabia-SASO, Oman-DGSM, Qatar-QS, Kuwait-KOWSMD, PAI, Gulf Standardization Organization ( GSO ).
ESMA is a UAE federal agency established by the UAE Federal Law (28) 2001. As the only regulator in the UAE in terms of quality standards, ESMA's strategy is to support the national economy by establishing a new era of excellence and quality.
ESMA has established Technical Committees in the areas of food, construction and building materials, electrical and electronic products, chemical and plastic products, mechanical products, petroleum products and lubricants, and metrology and information technology.
The Emirates National Accreditation System (ENAS) contributes to the prosperity of the national economy, including:
ESMA implements Emirates Conformity Assessment Scheme (ECAS) and Emirates Quality mark (EQM). Under this scheme, local and imported products are tested against national standards.
The National Measuring System (NMS) empowers ESMA to:
BSMD is a member of the Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization (AIDMO), the Arab Center for Standardization and Metrology, and a founding member of the Gulf Standards Organization (GSO).
BSMD has been a Corresponding Member of the OIML since 1984 and a member of ISO since January 2003, and has been implementing good practice in regulating the WTO/TBT Agreement since August 1999.
At the national level, the BSMD reviews, amends and publishes all Bahraini technical regulations and national standards after approval by the National Committee for Standards and Metrology. The most active activity of the BSMD is to review and explore the potential adoption of international standards as Gulf standards.
Other activities include:The Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) is a technical government body in Saudi Arabia founded in 1972 that regulates tasks related to standards, metrology and quality. SASO is governed by a board of directors headed by the Minister of Trade and Investment and members of sectors interested in standardization in the Kingdom
The SASO certification shows that these products comply with the national standards of Saudi Arabia, which are issued and approved by the Saudi Organization of Standards, Metrology and Quality (Saudi Organization of Standards, Metrology and Quality). Certification was introduced in order to improve the quality of products and services supplied to the country.
All groups of goods are subject to certification: food, equipment, cosmetics, equipment and much more.
The Directorate General of Specifications and Measurements (DGSM) in the Ministry of Trade and Industry is the National Standards Authority in Oman. It was established by Royal Decree No. 39/76 of October 20, 1976, and its duties and functions were defined by Royal Decree No. 1/78 of January 3, 1978.
DGSM is responsible for the following activities related to standardization and metrology:
Laboratories and Standardization Affairs (QS) is the national standardization body in Qatar. It was established in 2002 and is currently affiliated with the Ministry of the Environment. The main functions of QS are the following activities:
Industrial Service Standards and Issues - KOWSMD in Kuwait began in 1967 as part of a division of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, which became a Department after Standardization Law No. 128 was issued in 1977. The department was transferred to the State Authority for Industry in 1996 and became the standards and industrial services sector, comprising two departments, one for standards and metrology, and the other for quality laboratories.
Deyatelʹnostʹ po standartizatsii v Kuveyte nachalasʹ v 1967 godu v ramkakh podrazdeleniya Ministerstva torgovli i promyshlennosti, kotoroye stalo departamentom posle togo, kak v 1977 godu byl izdan zakon № 128 o standartizatsii. Otdel byl peredan Gosudarstvennomu organu promyshlennosti v 1996 godu i stal sektorom standartov i promyshlennykh uslug, vklyuchayushchim dva otdela: odin - standartov i metrologii, a drugoy - laboratoriy kachestva.
Etot sektor predstavlyayet Kuveyt v regionalʹnykh i mezhdunarodnykh organizatsiyakh, takikh kak ISO, MOZM, CAC, Arabskaya organizatsiya po promyshlennomu razvitiyu i gornodobyvayushchey promyshlennosti (AIDMO) i Organizatsiya po standartizatsii i metrologii dlya stran SSAGPZ (GSMO).
Sektor presleduyet sleduyushchiye tseli: dostizheniye tseley standartizatsii putem vypuska i publikatsii standartov i publikatsiy, svyazannykh so standartizatsiyey, a takzhe razrabotki i utverzhdeniya natsionalʹnykh standartov; provedeniye ekspertizy i ispytaniy importnoy produktsii na sootvet·stviye kuveyt·skim standartam; vydacha sertifikatov na eksportiruyemyye tovary; predostavleniye znaka kachestva natsionalʹnym standartam. issledovaniya i ispytaniya obraztsov dlya gosudarstvennogo i chastnogo sektorov, a takzhe dlya chastnykh lits.
15 yanvarya 1997 goda bylo sozdano Glavnoye upravleniye promyshlennosti - gosudarstvennyy organ s nezavisimoy pravosubʺyektnostʹyu, kontroliruyemyy ministrom torgovli i promyshlennosti.
Tselʹyu Organa yavlyayet·sya razvitiye, kommertsializatsiya i kontrolʹ promyshlennoy deyatelʹnosti v Gosudarstve Kuveyt putem pooshchreniya mestnoy promyshlennosti i rasshireniya proizvodstvennoy bazy etikh otrasley za schet vklyucheniya v neye strategicheskikh produktov, sluzhashchikh natsionalʹnoy bezopasnosti, i tem samym uvelicheniya istochnikov natsionalʹnogo dokhoda.
Krome togo, odnoy iz osnovnykh zadach Organa yavlyayet·sya uglubleniye promyshlennogo chuvstva grazhdan i poisk promyshlennykh issledovaniy i koordinatsii mezhdu sushchestvuyushchimi i budushchimi otraslyami promyshlennosti gosudarstv Persidskogo zaliva i arabskikh stran v tselyakh podderzhki promyshlennogo sotrudnichestva mezhdu razlichnymi stranami i mezhdunarodnoy organizatsiyey
Organizatsiya po standartizatsii stran Persidskogo zaliva (GSO) byla osnovana 30-31 dekabrya 2001 goda resheniyem Soveta sotrudnichestva stran Persidskogo zaliva (SSAGPZ) kak regionalʹnaya organizatsiya po standartizatsii.
S maya 2004 goda ona polnostʹyu funktsioniruyet i vklyuchayet v sebya 6 sootvet·stvuyushchikh gosudarstv-chlenov: OAE, Bakhreyn, Saudovskuyu Araviyu, Oman, Katar i Kuveyt.
Missiya GSO zaklyuchayet·sya v “razvitii sektorov proizvodstva i uslug, sodeystvii torgovle vnutri stran Persidskogo zaliva, zashchite potrebiteley, okruzhayushchey sredy i zdorovʹya naseleniya, povyshenii ekonomiki stran Persidskogo zaliva i yeye konkurentosposobnosti i udovletvorenii trebovaniyam Tamozhennogo soyuza stran Persidskogo zaliva i obshchego rynka stran Persidskogo zaliva”.
Organami po standartizatsii gosudarstv-chlenov yavlyayut·sya:
S 1 iyulya 2016 goda markirovka sootvet·stviya Gulf (G-mark) yavlyayet·sya obyazatelʹnym trebovaniyem dlya nizkovolʹtnogo elektrooborudovaniya i priborov (soglasno reglamentu BD-142004-01), a takzhe dlya det·skikh igrushek, prodavayemykh v gosudarstvakh-chlenakh GSO.
G-mark - eto markirovka sootvet·stviya dlya arabskikh gosudarstv Persidskogo zaliva, kotoraya podtverzhdayet, chto produkt sootvet·stvuyet trebovaniyam, izlozhennym v sootvet·stvuyushchem Tekhnicheskom reglamente Zaliva.
Dlya polucheniya G-Mark produkt dolzhen proyti protsess sertifikatsii po protsedure GSO:
Standardization activities in Kuwait began in 1967 under a division of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, which became a department after Standardization Law No. 128 was promulgated in 1977. The department was transferred to the State Authority for Industry in 1996 and became the standards and industrial services sector, comprising two departments, one for standards and metrology, and the other for quality laboratories.
This sector represents Kuwait in regional and international organizations such as ISO, OIML, CAC, Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization (AIDMO) and the GCC Standards and Metrology Organization (GSMO).
The Sector pursues the following goals: achieving the goals of standardization through the issuance and publication of standards and publications related to standardization, as well as the development and approval of national standards; examination and testing of imported products for compliance with Kuwaiti standards; issuance of certificates for exported goods; providing a quality mark to national standards. research and testing of samples for the public and private sectors, as well as for individuals.
On January 15, 1997, the General Directorate of Industry was established, a public body with an independent legal personality, controlled by the Minister of Trade and Industry.
The purpose of the Authority is to develop, commercialize and control industrial activities in the State of Kuwait by encouraging local industries and expanding the production base of these industries to include strategic products serving national security, and thereby increase the sources of national income.
In addition, one of the main tasks of the Authority is to deepen the industrial sense of citizens and seek industrial research and coordination between the existing and future industries of the Gulf States and the Arab countries in order to support industrial cooperation between various countries and the international organization
Gulf Standards Organization (GSO) was founded on December 30-31, 2001 by the decision of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) as a regional standardization organization.
Since May 2004, it has been fully operational and includes 6 respective Member States: UAE, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar and Kuwait.
The mission of the GSO is to “develop the manufacturing and service sectors, promote intra-Gulf trade, protect consumers, the environment and public health, enhance the GCC economy and its competitiveness, and meet the requirements of the GCC Customs Union and the Common Market of the countries Persian Gulf”.
The standards bodies of the Member States are:
As of July 1, 2016, the Gulf Compliance Mark (G-mark) is a mandatory requirement for low voltage electrical equipment and appliances (as per regulation BD-142004-01) and for children's toys sold in GSO Member States.
G-mark is the conformity marking for the Arab States of the Gulf, which confirms that the product meets the requirements set out in the relevant Gulf Technical Regulation.
In order to receive a G-Mark, a product must pass the GSO certification process:
You can find out all the details about certification and labeling in the countries of the Middle East by contacting us by email [email protected].