

Strength calculation. What is it and why it is important for TR CU 032

Strength calculation. What is it and why it is important for TR CU 032


The Technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (TR CU or TR EAEU for newer regulations) are different. And by saying “different” we mean that the procedure of getting the EAC certificate may vary to some extent depending on the regulation. 

Some of them even have other period of validity (for example TR CU 018 “On wheeled vehicles” where the validity is restricted by 4 years instead of 5 in most of other TR CUs). 

One of the most vital points of difference between the regulations is the list of documents need to complete the project of obtaining an approval document. This happens because of different products coming under a certain regulation, and the requirements for these products. 

It’s common knowledge that confirming safety of, let’s say, a toy is definitely not the same as confirming safety of a vending machine. There lots of standards for each type of product. And it turns out that there are many standards for documents for these products as well. The Russian and EAEU legislation says that these documents must comply with these standards.

Strength calculation

Today we’re going to focus on a strength calculation. Here’s a brief description: strength calculation is a is a study carried out in order to determine the safe operation of an object in specific conditions and under specific loads. In other words, it is a document proving that a product can withstand big loads and operate under different harsh (or even extreme) conditions – this is often applied for products that are actually supposed to operate under such conditions.  

This document is regulated by several standards:
  • GOST 34233.1-2017 “Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods for calculating strength. General requirements”,
  • GOST 14249-89 “Vessels and apparatus. 

Norms and methods for calculating strength” and several others. The strength calculation contains lots of complicated formulas and equations for different mechanical properties of the equipment along with basic specification and pictures of the equipment being calculated.

So why is it so important? The fact is – it is a necessary document for the Technical regulation TR CU 032 “On the safety of equipment operating under excessive pressure”. The regulation directly says that the strength calculation is a necessary document among others. There’s a crucial note to mention: only those calculations designed in accordance with the abovementioned standards can be accepted to issue a Declaration or a Certificate of conformity to the TR CU 032. And these calculations must be in Russian.

In fact, foreign manufacturers are aware of this or similar documents because it’s not just a necessary requirement of their customers to have this document to make sure the equipment is safe to use, but it is also required my many certification systems in the world. Still, there is no acceptance option: that is, if the manufacturer has already made their own strength calculation it won’t be accepted for Russia and the EAEU countries unless it’s designed in full compliance with our standards and provided in Russia. The manufacturing and heavy industry branch is rapidly developing in our countries and safety is always the top priority. No wonder that the successful development of the industry goes with safety of the equipment used. 

In conclusion, WorldWideBridge is always ready to help foreign manufacturers with designing of these strength calculations. We have great experience in working with this document for many types of equipment and are happy to help anyone needing it.

By Dmitry Kondratsky
Certification Department Specialist

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Pipe certification under TR CU 032
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